More patients live longer on Modern PD*
*Modern PD is the culmination of multiple recent advancements in clinical practice and innovations in technology that, in combination, are yielding improved survival, increasing patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes that in some cases are outpacing those of HD.
The early survival benefit results in a substantial gain of patient life years in PD cohorts relative to HD ones.1
Multiple studies have shown PD survival rates are improving and in some cases outpacing those of HD
PD has been associated with a significant initial survival advantage
In all studies in the map above, PD patients showed a greater survival when compared with HD during the first 2 years.1 During the periods of 3 to 12 months and 12 to 24 months, the unadjusted mortality rates for HD patients were significantly higher than the mortality rates for PD patients.4
Relationship of relative mortality risk PD/HD to dialysis duration. 1990-99 versus 2000-10.

Preservation of Residual
Renal Function
PD Enables better preservation of residual renal function, which is associated with improved patient survival.
- 30% higher residual GFR over a 12-month period in PD vs HD patients7
- Longer time to loss of RRF6,8
![Baxter–Visuals_v2_Survival 2[2].png](/sites/g/files/ebysai3206/files/2021-06/Baxter%E2%80%93Visuals_v2_Survival%202%5B2%5D.png)
During year 1 patients have between 17-44% lower death rate on PD vs HD.6
Meta-analysis of 811,319 patients from 18 countries: those who start dialysis with PD have an early survival benefit vs their counterparts who start with HD.